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Does your child have asthma?
Asthma is a chronic lung disease. It’s when the airways become sensitive to allergens or anything that triggers an allergic reaction, like dust. This can cause the airways to narrow, making it hard for air to go in and out of the lungs. So, once schools reopen and your child is exposed to more allergens and viruses, his/her attacks may increase, putting them at risk of missed school days and falling behind.
- We are looking for volunteers to take part in clinical trials to understand the condition and help find new treatments.
- If your child qualifies, they may receive study-related care
- There is no obligation to participate if you call to inquire about the study
- Study participants can continue to see their regular physician. The study doctors are additional asthma experts who will closely monitor your child’s health during the course of the study.
All Synexus Trials are approved by SAHPRA and a Research Ethics Committee.
About participating in a clinical trial for pediatric asthma. Watch & Learn
Everything you need to know
As one of the largest and most recognized clinical trial organizations in the world, Synexus provides a friendly relaxed environment where you have the opportunity to help others and maybe also you and your child. Clinical trials offer an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.
All Synexus Trials are approved by SAHPRA and a Research Ethics Committee.
- Wheezing or coughing (especially at night)
- Shortness of breath AND
- Tightness, pain or pressure in the chest